Finraiser 2021
MERR Institute Finraiser 2021

MERR Institute Finraiser 2021

2021 Finraiser Pre-show

BTS Finraiser 2021


MERR is preparing to meet the growing demand of newborn and weanling seal pups that are stranding in Delaware. These little ones often don't know how to survive once away from their mothers, so MERR will be able to provide them with life giving fluids and other support. You can be a part of this effort by contributing to the cost of two portable seal tanks, where we can safely house these little seals during their stay with us.
We will be purchasing two Rubbermaid 500 gallon tanks, each costing $500.00.
Your donation towards these tanks is so gratefully appreciated!MERR is preparing to meet the growing demand of newborn and weanling seal pups that are stranding in Delaware. These little ones often don't know how to survive once away from their mothers, so MERR will be able to provide them with life giving fluids and other support. You can be a part of this effort by contributing to the cost of two portable seal tanks, where we can safely house these little seals during their stay with us.
We will be purchasing two Rubbermaid 500 gallon tanks, each costing $500.00.
Your donation towards these tanks is so gratefully appreciated!